Anthi is partner at Fractal Evolution Associates and the President of SoL Greece.
We are a global community of practice that learns from and supports organizations seeking to more deeply align their internal practices with their broader social change goals. We believe the best way for our organizations to create and sustain meaningful change in the world is to embody it themselves. We represent all sectors of society- nonprofits, community & social movement groups, government agencies, foundations, and businesses.
Motaz Attalla :: Richard D. Bartlett :: Liam Barrington-Bush :: Peter Brownell :: Augusto Cuginotti :: Sue Davidoff :: Aerin Dunford :: Mark Engler :: Paul Engler :: Argrow “Kit” Evans :: Gioel Gioacchino :: Rachel Griner :: Kiran Gulrajani :: Caroline Howe :: Tolu Ilesanmi :: Allan Kaplan :: Sadaf Kashfi :: Fahri Karakas :: Tania Katzschner :: Marianne Knuth :: Jess Marais :: Alex Megelas :: Josée Méthot :: Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay :: Sushrut Munje :: Warren Nilsson :: Curtis Ogden :: Tana Paddock :: Alessandra Pigni :: Vanessa Reid :: Linda Sarvi :: Biren Shah :: Cameron Stiff :: James Taylor :: Anthi Theiopoulou :: Cristina Temmink :: Megan Thom :: Veena Vasista :: Katherine Therese Whaling :: Undine Whande :: Sarah Whiteley :: Akaya Windwood :: Aydin Yassemi

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