Posts Tagged ‘Youth’

  • Resisting in our free time: The state of civil society today

    Resisting in our free time: The state of civil society today

    May 23rd, 2016 | Expressive Change | Gioel Gioacchino | No Comments

    What happens when you get 900 civil society groups in the same room at over 8,500 feet above sea level? Excitement is guaranteed you’d think, along with a bit of oxygen deprivation and a whole lot of partying. That’s what lured me to Bogotá late last month for International Civil Society Week—the annual conference of an NGO called CIVICUS, the ‘World Alliance for Citizen Participation.’

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  • Missing the forest for the trees

    Missing the forest for the trees

    September 18th, 2013 | Expressive Change | Liam Barrington-Bush | 1 Comment

    Children’s social services in England, like those of many other countries, don’t always have a sparkling public reputation when it comes to face-to-face relations. Like police, social workers who tackle state-mandated child protection cases spend their days witnessing and intervening in many of society’s darkest moments. From paedophilia to domestic violence, a social worker often observes the worst of what human beings are capable of in a typical working day. It takes a special kind of person to avoid […]

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  • How the spotted owl can save us

    How the spotted owl can save us

    October 1st, 2012 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson & Tana Paddock | 14 Comments

    What does it mean for an environmental organization to work expressively, to live out the values of sustainability and deep ecology in its day-to-day work? Most environmental organizations striving to be coherent focus on behaviour. Do we recycle? Do we compost? Do we use energy-efficient light bulbs? Do we reduce our use of water and paper? Do we bring our own mugs? Sustainability is not this tame. Sustainability requires […]

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  • Experiencing the giving field

    Experiencing the giving field

    April 15th, 2012 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson & Tana Paddock | No Comments

    After a talk we gave recently, we had a brief chat with Marion Adamson, a facilitator here in Cape Town. A few days later, after having checked out the Organization Unbound website, Marian sent us the following email:

    I read the blog post of the Giving Field – and immediately my son’s preschool came to mind. It’s the place I find myself being drawn to when I’m most struggling with […]

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  • Rayat-Bahra Teachers College

    Rayat-Bahra Teachers College

    September 22nd, 2011 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | 5 Comments

    The landscape turns from deep green to sepia-yellow as we drive out of the tree-lined streets of the city and onto a dusty road lined with wheat fields. At some point we return to pavement and I glance out the back window to see a horse gallop across the road in our wake. Our taxi slows and turns onto a smaller road, meanders through an enclave of large white-washed structures, and comes to a stop in front of a cheerful looking building with students streaming through its front doors.

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  • Token presence or true participation

    Token presence or true participation

    August 19th, 2011 | Expressive Change | Caroline Howe | 3 Comments

    During the Organization Unbound workshop in Delhi, I was honestly struggling to distinguish form and experience, until Warren gave what was a really helpful example I have felt and seen many times. When we talk about participation and equality in an organization or a meeting, many go to the easiest form of making it happen […]

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  • Unbinding continued

    Unbinding continued

    February 13th, 2011 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson | 3 Comments

    Tana’s recent post on “unbinding” reminded me of some reflections I had made in a paper I wrote a few years ago. In a section that was actually called “The Unbinding,” I was thinking about how difficult it can be to recognize exactly what it is that binds us. For someone like Tana (disciplined, orderly, […]

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  • Oral culture and engagement

    Oral culture and engagement

    April 8th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | 1 Comment

    During our recent stay in Toronto, we had the opportunity to grab a drink with Mark Federman, a lecturer and PhD candidate at OISE at the University of Toronto. I had been wanting to meet him for a while after hearing that he was researching Inter Pares as part of his doctoral thesis work. From […]

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  • Inscaping


    March 13th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson | 18 Comments

    Brandon, a teacher’s aide at Southwest Baltimore Charter School once said to me, “The weak link isn’t necessarily the person who doesn’t do the job well. It’s the person who doesn’t do the job from within or truthfully.”

    This is why, I think, that the most deeply engaging organizations I’ve encountered seem to be rooted in small, daily acts of personal revelation. […]

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  • The giving field

    The giving field

    February 4th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson | 14 Comments

    It seems simple now.

    But I had to hear many voices say it in many different ways before it became simple to me. Two of those voices, Patrick and Louis, are from a small organization in Montreal called L’Abri en Ville:

    Patrick: “Before I came here, I slept all the time. After I ate, I went to bed. […]

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