Posts Tagged ‘Revolutionary movements’

  • 5 reasons to build a network of small groups, rather than a mass movement of individuals

    5 reasons to build a network of small groups, rather than a mass movement of individuals

    June 29th, 2017 | Expressive Change | Richard D. Bartlett | 1 Comment

    Long term human survival depends on us replacing the status quo with a fundamentally different set of behaviours and structures. I believe the root of that challenge is essentially cultural, and the best place to grow culture is in small groups.

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  • Resisting in our free time: The state of civil society today

    Resisting in our free time: The state of civil society today

    May 23rd, 2016 | Expressive Change | Gioel Gioacchino | No Comments

    What happens when you get 900 civil society groups in the same room at over 8,500 feet above sea level? Excitement is guaranteed you’d think, along with a bit of oxygen deprivation and a whole lot of partying. That’s what lured me to Bogotá late last month for International Civil Society Week—the annual conference of an NGO called CIVICUS, the ‘World Alliance for Citizen Participation.’

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  • Should we fight the system or be the change?

    Should we fight the system or be the change?

    September 18th, 2014 | Expressive Change | Mark Engler & Paul Engler | 1 Comment

    Once an obscure term, prefigurative politics is increasingly gaining currency, with many contemporary anarchists embracing as a core tenet the idea that, as a slogan from the Industrial Workers of the World put it, we must “build the new world in the shell of the old.” Because of this, it is useful to understand its history and dynamics. While prefigurative politics has much to offer social movements, it also contains pitfalls.

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  • Structuring our Beloved Communities?

    Structuring our Beloved Communities?

    September 8th, 2014 | Expressive Change | Liam Barrington-Bush | 2 Comments

    If we believe that changing the world involves changing the kinds of relationships we have with one another, what role do organising structures have in helping or hindering the relationships we are trying to create?, asks Liam Barrington-Bush.

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  • Manifesting a second order revolution in Brazil

    Manifesting a second order revolution in Brazil

    January 28th, 2014 | Expressive Change | Augusto Cuginotti | No Comments

    Protest is never enough to secure a long-term vision for a country, so the straight lines of demonstrations have to be re-shaped into new patterns of participatory democracy and dialogue. This is what is happening in Brazil. Brazilians will continue to show their discontent about a country that is known for its corruption, and for the huge gaps that exist between rich and poor. But alongside […]

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  • Gross organizational happiness

    Gross organizational happiness

    October 29th, 2012 | Expressive Change | Akaya Windwood | No Comments

    Over the past several years, there has been a great deal of international focus on the notion of happiness. While there are many definitions of happiness, here is a composite of my favorites: “emotions experienced when in a state of well-being that range from contentment to intense joy.” This is not a new notion. Thinkers from Aristotle to Alice Walker to the Dalai Lama have written much about […]

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  • Multiply wounded

    Multiply wounded

    July 12th, 2012 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson & Tana Paddock | 4 Comments

    We recently came across an illuminating talk by Nicaraguan psychologist Martha Cabrera- Living and Surviving in a Multiply Wounded Country. In her talk, she describes the uniquely holistic approach to societal healing that she and her team developed over a decade of experimental work in Nicaragua.

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  • Transcending discontent

    Transcending discontent

    March 12th, 2012 | Expressive Change | Tolu Ilesanmi | 2 Comments

    We aim to make more people see that Nigeria is not “them” but “I” and “us”, bringing closer to home the urgency and the responsibility of change. We aim to show that change begins when many more Nigerians stop being frustrated at the government, the polity and the society and channel the same energy into becoming the bigger change they seek, in day-to-day interactions with family members, friends, colleagues, clients and other Nigerians and non Nigerians.

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  • More reflections from Greece

    More reflections from Greece

    February 6th, 2012 | Expressive Change | Sarah Whiteley | No Comments

    To wrap up the revolution-themed month of January, Sarah Whiteley of Axladitsa shares two very personal in-the-moment accounts of the citizens movement that took place in Greece’s Syntagma Square last year. Her reflections highlight the non-linear nature of building a movement that is deeply aligned with its values and how to approach it with patience and reverence.

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  • How to occupy democracy

    How to occupy democracy

    January 30th, 2012 | Expressive Change | Baj Mukhopadhyay | No Comments

    When the civil rights movement abandoned its focus on nurturing personal, individual relationships and instead resorted to broad principles and detached theorising, it lost its power. It became coopted, removed from the people who otherwise held it accountable with the gentle discipline that is required in being true and kind to one’s friends.

    I suspect that this aspect is where grand nation-building projects, based on the most beautiful of ideals, stumble.

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