Author Archive

  • Organizational hacking

    Organizational hacking

    September 22nd, 2010 | Expressive Change | Alex Megelas | 1 Comment

    My friend Jim is a hacker. Not the kind of hacker who sits at a computer trying to break into highly classified computer systems – that’s a highly simplistic portrayal. No, he’s the kind of hacker who approaches many of the aspects in his life with a mindset that is critical, analytical and creative. And […]

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  • Anarchist soccer

    Anarchist soccer

    July 28th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Alex Megelas | 2 Comments

    Let’s talk about soccer. World Cup fever’s over and for all the emphasis on laudable value, ex – cross-cultural dialogue, athleticism, this is still a display that’s largely exclusionary.  For one thing, this is a game that thrives on competition. To play, you normally have to try and be good – moreso – you have […]

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  • My life as an organization

    My life as an organization

    July 13th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Alex Megelas | 3 Comments

    What would it look like if my life was an organization? This is the question I was left with last evening. Friends from different circles had come over to talk about sustainability in the home (windowsill gardening, composting, etc.) It was a nice, lively discussion that I’d been inspired to organize for a few months […]

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