Author Archive

  • Reflections on attentional violence

    Reflections on attentional violence

    December 3rd, 2014 | Expressive Change | Undine Whande | 1 Comment

    Most of us are probably familiar with Johan Galtung’s ‘typology of violence’. As a peace researcher Galtung is known for developing the term and theory of structural violence. The concept of structural violence dawned on him while seeing the victims of poverty in India. People were suffering and yet the cause […]

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  • An interesting response to our recent talk

    An interesting response to our recent talk

    May 23rd, 2012 | Expressive Change | Undine Whande | 2 Comments

    The first thing that struck me from the talk and that had me celebrate inwardly was that these insights are now surfacing at various points through various people who have all been keenly and committedly observing their environments and coming to similar conclusions: That organisations are […]

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kurumsal reklam