Posts Tagged ‘Repurposing’

  • Repurposing


    October 8th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | 3 Comments

    I really enjoyed reading Alex’s recent post on Foulab. It got me thinking of how similar our relationship to technology is to our relationship to organizations. So much of our waking energy flows through and around organizations, yet we rarely take time to really understand how they work and to empower ourselves to tinker with […]

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  • Organizational hacking

    Organizational hacking

    September 22nd, 2010 | Expressive Change | Alex Megelas | 1 Comment

    My friend Jim is a hacker. Not the kind of hacker who sits at a computer trying to break into highly classified computer systems – that’s a highly simplistic portrayal. No, he’s the kind of hacker who approaches many of the aspects in his life with a mindset that is critical, analytical and creative. And […]

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