In practice
  • If you are looking for ways to introduce the concept and practice of expressive change into your organization, check out the “conversation deepeners” below (permanently housed here). They are the first in a collection of self-guided learning materials that we’re developing.

    The ideas and practices they contain spring from a global community of practice of organizations asking themselves: What type of impact might we have if we took the inner lives of our organizations more seriously as leverage points for social change?

    They are designed for a small group of people within the same organization to do together and can be done in any order.

    The materials are free to share and adapt. For editable versions, email tana(at)





    August 26th, 2013 | Tana Paddock | 1 Comment

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One Response and Counting...

  • watson 08.26.2013

    This work is so-o-o Superior and I just listened to Susan Bird’s TED Talk, she is the CEO of Wf360 and speaks at length on the Power of Conversation, her company emphasizing Brandversation. I’m confident there is a way to integrate more of this in our associations and organizations easily and simply as people truly enjoy the dialogues, once they get the hang of it.
    I did some of the Beta Testing, and sure it was questioned, pushed at arms length initially, but once people got into it, it was all I could do to contain it. This work is a perfect Introduction for (marketing – Brandversation), and for me it is critical in establishing Core Well Being for Individuals and Institutions.
    Inscaping, Expressive Change will add authentic Power to any Place. . .I’m wanting to see more of it in family settings, the work place, the church, HEALTHCARE, everywhere. . .OUTSTANDING gifting. I’m VERY grateful.
    Watson here
    Wellness Without Walls

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