The promise of the mundane
  • When I first began doing community development work, I was attracted to the ideas and experiences that were the most creative and radical in my eyes.  I dreamed of worker cooperatives and local currencies. I dreamed of green buildings and urban agriculture. I dreamed of free schools. I dreamed of boundary-shattering dialogues on poverty and violence and race. I dreamed of asset-based, appreciative projects that wouldn’t just develop neighborhoods but transform them. I dreamed of a living, daily democracy in which people engaged with their neighbors to steer and sustain their own communities. I still dream of these things.

    But I have become increasingly intrigued by our more mundane spaces and encounters. I’ve been most excited over the last few years not by the innovative new programs that I see (though these can be great), but by the transformative power of investing ordinary moments with extraordinary life. Over and over, I see the expressive practices we are talking about in this blog come to life as people engage in traditional, straightforward work like counseling, teaching, feeding, health care, or public advocacy. And the practices occur not primarily during special moments like team-building retreats, but during routine moments like staff and board meetings, phone calls, emails, evaluations, preparation of grants or financial documents, and everyday encounters with clients, members or neighbors.

    Fifteen years ago, I would have chafed to discover myself spending so much time thinking about such ordinary things. But now I am convinced that these ordinary things represent the most powerful leverage points for change available to us. That might sound exaggerated. How can a staff meeting offer more hope for change than a session of parliament or an international gathering or a revolutionary social movement? Well, the world is thick with staff meetings, and the relationship patterns we create and re-create in those meetings radiate wide for good or ill. Even our parliaments and international gatherings and social movements are made up of familiar routines. Policy changes don’t just happen miraculously by themselves. They are given life through the same kinds of conversations, and meetings, and research, and report writing that we all practice daily in our smaller organizations.

    So nothing is more promising to me than the revolutionary potential of seeking to make those familiar routines become strange and lovely to us again. Max Weber long ago wrote about the disenchantment of the modern, systemized world. Organizations that invest even trivial encounters with value, care, and authenticity, turn those encounters into adventures. There is a kind of re-enchantment of the world going on in such places, and I never tire of seeing it.

    June 13th, 2010 | Warren Nilsson | 2 Comments

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2 Responses and Counting...

  • Rotem 06.13.2010

    You’re right, Rennie. It’s tje strong and vibrant organisations that puts energy, time and thought into the daily, mundane tasks, not only the mediatized events. But those tasks and activities that happen on a regular basis should be the ones that we ensure are fun and give energy instead of drain us. I strive to find that type of organisation to work with or create myself!

  • Funny I should have turned to this blog for comfort after coming home from an AGM feeling frustrated by the increased presence of non-artists on our board (in the so-called spirit of diversification) and the invariable erosion of values associated with artist-run culture that might ensue – having to justify and defend positions and approaches that stem from a long tradition of art-making and critical thinking involving institutional critique is just weird – feeling marginalized within our own space is even weirder – must find the language and approaches to convey the value of this tiny space of resistance without sounding hostile or arrogant – not sure I’m up to the challenge because, as you say in your post, it is the conversations at every level that make up the wealth of relationships that exist within, among staff and fellow artists involved in the many projects that drive our programming (in committees, and active members meetings) – not sure how to integrate “outsiders” at the board level into this conversation without “educating” folk not even aware that there’s something to learn… like in the proverbial my dog could have painted that with his tail.

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