Posts Tagged ‘The giving field’

  • Rayat-Bahra Teachers College

    Rayat-Bahra Teachers College

    September 22nd, 2011 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | 5 Comments

    The landscape turns from deep green to sepia-yellow as we drive out of the tree-lined streets of the city and onto a dusty road lined with wheat fields. At some point we return to pavement and I glance out the back window to see a horse gallop across the road in our wake. Our taxi slows and turns onto a smaller road, meanders through an enclave of large white-washed structures, and comes to a stop in front of a cheerful looking building with students streaming through its front doors.

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  • Fun change = real change

    Fun change = real change

    September 15th, 2011 | Expressive Change | Megan Thom | 6 Comments

    I burnt out in third year university. The nail in the coffin on top of school and work and everything else was the effort and time I’d put into organizing a day of panel discussions about ethical consumption. I booked the best minds of our university, matching them with on-the-ground activists in the community and a good smattering of ethical producers and consumer representatives.

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  • Invoking Jim

    Invoking Jim

    August 5th, 2011 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson | No Comments

    My father-in-law, Jim, is a great destroyer of walls. Every house he has lived in will bear me out. Each is filled with reclaimed open space, the air laced with the cheerful scars of what has been removed. To create such space, a man needs to have a strong desire to see the world – the whole thing – from the chair where he sits. He also needs a hammer.

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  • Dancing with Zenith Cleaners

    Dancing with Zenith Cleaners

    June 16th, 2011 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | 2 Comments

    I was reading through the Zenith Cleaners blog recently and came across a reflection written by our friend Tolu Ilesanmi titled Invitation to the dance. In it he describes the kind of reciprocal relationship he works hard to create with his staff, clients and suppliers.

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  • More adventures with Jonathan

    More adventures with Jonathan

    May 26th, 2011 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson & Tana Paddock | 1 Comment

    Last year, we wrote a blog post highlighting the work of Jonathan Glencross. Jonathan’s approach to environmental advocacy has helped spark some dramatic sustainability initiatives at McGill University. We thought you’d enjoy listening to a TedxTalk that he gave a few months ago to an audience of 700

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  • Zenith Cleaners

    Zenith Cleaners

    September 16th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | 5 Comments

    My friends Tolu and Ronke run a cleaning company that is unlike any cleaning company I have ever come across. They see Zenith Cleaners as a vehicle through which they can create the kind of world they want to live in, a world that is not just healthy and aesthetically beautiful, but deeply rooted in […]

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  • In memory of Penny

    In memory of Penny

    August 5th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson | 4 Comments

    Last Saturday, Tana and I went to the funeral of Penny Parkes. We had gotten to know Penny through our work with Santropol Roulant. She was a client, volunteer, and board member there and reflected the spirit of the place in a beautiful and charming way all her own. Penny struggled with a degenerative disease, […]

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  • “Something like that happened to me recently…”

    “Something like that happened to me recently…”

    February 28th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Tana Paddock | No Comments

    We are talking to our friend Andrew Woodall, someone we can always count on for a spirited conversation. He has spent the last five years running the Millennium Scholarship Foundation.

    After a pleasant, wintry morning tramp up Avenue du Parc in Montreal, we are hanging out in Em Cafe, discussing Organization Unbound over tea and toast. […]

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  • The giving field

    The giving field

    February 4th, 2010 | Expressive Change | Warren Nilsson | 14 Comments

    It seems simple now.

    But I had to hear many voices say it in many different ways before it became simple to me. Two of those voices, Patrick and Louis, are from a small organization in Montreal called L’Abri en Ville:

    Patrick: “Before I came here, I slept all the time. After I ate, I went to bed. […]

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